XR (extended reality)

Program in partnership with

Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) are pioneering new frontiers in how we perceive and interact with the world around us. This track explore how the integration of AI and neurotechnology with XR can revolutionize human-machine interactions. We will examine the potential for XR to provide immersive experiences, but also therapeutic applications, enhanced learning environments, and novel forms of entertainment.

We will explore how the convergence of XR with AI and neurotechnology can catalyze new forms of human enhancement and interaction, and what collaborative strategies can we develop to navigate the ethical, technical, and social challenges of these integrations.

Featured Sessions

A Night in the Metaverse

June 13, 2024

Camilo RojasPhilip Rosedale
Video projection & talks

Metaverse Hackathon

June 11-15, 2024

Justin MelilloLauren Koster
Confirmed Speakers
Camilo Rojas
MIT Fluid Interface Group
Justin Melillo
Lauren Koster
Philip Rosedale
Linden Lab
Melissa Malzkuhn
Motion Light Lab, Gallaudet University
Vanessa Rosa
Gene Kogan
Sam Hosovsky
Camilo Rojas
MIT Fluid Interface Group
Justin Melillo
Lauren Koster
Philip Rosedale
Linden Lab
Melissa Malzkuhn
Motion Light Lab, Gallaudet University
Vanessa Rosa
Gene Kogan
Sam Hosovsky
About the Program Curation
Foresight Institute is a research organization and non-profit that supports the beneficial development of high-impact technologies. Since our founding in 1986 on a vision of guiding powerful technologies, we have continued to evolve into a many-armed organization that focuses on several fields of science and technology that are too ambitious for legacy institutions to support. From molecular nanotechnology, to brain-computer interfaces, space exploration, cryptocommerce, and AI, Foresight gathers leading minds to advance research and accelerate progress toward flourishing futures.
Aleksandra Smilek
Foresight Strategist & Curator
Foresight Institute
Lou de Kerhuelvez
Foresight Director & Curator
Foresight Institute
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